Breckpoint is a leading provider of training and development solutions for businesses of all sizes.  We offer a full suite of services including leadership development, train-the-trainer programs, Federal and California OSHA compliance training, program audits, and much more.

We focus on sustainability and believe that training is essential for creating a safe and healthy workplace.  Our team of experienced trainers can help you develop a training program that meets the specific needs of your business.  We also offer a variety of flexible training options, so you can find the solution that works best for you.

Whether you’re looking to improve your leadership skills, train your employees on new safety procedures, or comply with government regulations, Breckpoint can help.  Contact us today to learn more about our services!


Breckpoint Risk Management OSHA Certified Outreach Instructors offer both Federal and California OSHA Construction and General Industry 10- and 30-Hour Classes virtually and in person at the Ontario center.

Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) Classes

Classes will be administered with the same standards, guidelines, and policies as the in-person OTIEC course offerings. Per OSHA’s guidelines for live online courses, students are required to have video capabilities and must be visible at all times to the instructor and facilitator during the class. Unfortunately, if a student cannot comply with this requirement, they will not be able to attend the class. Students are required to attend all days and times in order to receive a course completion certificate and/or trainer card. Students’ participation, attendance, and exam monitoring will be documented.


Safety Programs by law must be reviewed and updated at least annually to reflect any changes within the company’s policies, procedures or new processes put into place. The Breckpoint Risk Management staff can assist with reviewing and providing formal recommendations to ensure these important programs are up to date and contain all the components required by State or Federal regulations.​

Training Matrix Development

Based on individual operations and industry. Our experienced staff will assist in the development of a training matrix ensuring the appropriate safety information is delivered in a proactive manner to ensure that regulatory requirements are met.


Ensuring managers and leaders are well-educated and empowered to fulfill their responsibilities is critical in a successful business. We offer a wide range of education to ensure your leaders know what they need to control the risks facing today’s businesses.​​

Our Focus

  • Hazard Identification and corrective actions
  • Employee Orientation and Safety Work Practices
  • Injury reporting, Accident Investigation and RTW
  • Regulatory Management and Employee training
  • Health and Safety Program Implementation & Management Strategies


Our experienced staff can conduct on-site inspections of your facilities or job sites to identify hazards that may lead to loss and ensure your company is in regulatory compliance. Formal recommendations will help your business focus on specific items that need to be addressed.

Site Inspections/Recommendations

Walkthrough inspections are designed to identify hazards that potentially could result in employee injuries or regulatory citations. ​Each inspection will result in written recommendations to ensure hazards can be addressed and permanent corrective actions are taken.​

In addition to conducting site inspections, our staff will work with your supervisors to assist them in understanding how to recognize and correct these conditions before they result in an incident and modify their inspection report.​ Virtual inspections are available upon request to cover more sites in a shorter period of time.


To conduct a successful incident investigation that correctly identifies root causes, implements corrective actions, and prevents future incidents, supervisors need to be prepared.  Breckpoint offers accident investigations and accident investigation training for supervisors.

Investigation Experts

Our trained staff will investigate to identify the root cause, make recommendations for corrective actions, and identify areas of the overall program that will need improvement to ensure sustainable risk mitigation techniques to eliminate future loss.


Insurance Specialization

Insurance inspection services are available for both new business and renewals.​ We specialize in H2A and Excess Carrier inspections.


Internal Claims Management and RTW is the single most effective way to control the cost of workers’ compensation claims once an injury has occurred.

Internal Claims Management

We specialize in assisting your business in proper training and developing every aspect of managing your claims. It starts with properly managing an incident on-site, ensuring emergency procedures are in place including clinic protocols, standardized claims kits, clear reporting procedures for the claim and OSHA serious injury reporting, managing return to work and timely updating of the OSHA 300 logs. Learn what your adjuster needs to most effectively defend your injury case.

Return to Work

Our staff can assist your company with the development of a formal return to work program and ensure a solid understanding of the Interactive Process and identifying modified duty positions.


Monthly Webinar Series

Each month Breckpoint Risk Management hosts a webinar on a range of topics on Hazard Identification, Mitigation Techniques, and Safety Program compliance. A new topic is available on demand each month.​